PACER is a global network of members of civil society, academics, jurists, lawyers, activists, policymakers and others from over 30 organizations in close to 20 countries and 5 continents coming together to advance the realization of equal rights in all the world’s constitutions. Multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary, and impact-oriented, PACER aims to complement the efforts of existing networks.
PACER, hosted at WORLD, has held a series of in-person and virtual gatherings since its inception in 2019. The group enjoys rich bilateral and multilateral collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and partnership in the pursuit of advancing equality for all around the world. The network collaborates on a wide range of issues central to equality and equal rights.

- Mauricio Albarracín, Director of Litigation, Dejusticia
- Roberto Bissio, Coordinator of the Secretariat, Social Watch
- Virgínia Brás Gomes, Senior Social Policy Adviser to the Director-General for Social Security / Ministry of Employment, Solidarity and Social Security (Portugal) and Former Chair of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake, Justice, National and Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea; Former Judge, High Court of Botswana
- Delphine Dorsi, Director, Right to Education Initiative
- André du Plessis, Executive Director, International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)
- Vuyiseka Dubula-Majola, Director, Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management, Stellenbosch University, Recipient, Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law
- Jackie Dugard, Associate Professor, School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Member of the Strategic Litigation Working Group Steering Committee, ESCR-Net, and Co-Founder and Former Executive Director, Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa
- Zachary Elkins, Co-Director, Comparative Constitutions Project and; Associate Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin
- Sandra Fredman, Director, Oxford Human Rights Hub; Rhodes Professor of the Laws of the British Commonwealth and the USA at the University of Oxford
- Yasmeen Hassan, Global Executive Director, Equality Now
- Jody Heymann, Director, WORLD Policy Analysis Center, Distinguished Professor, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Luskin School of Public Affairs, Geffen School of Medicine
- Mark Heywood, Co-Founder and Former Executive Director, Section27, Co-Founder, Treatment Action Campaign (TAC)
- Barbara Hogan, Former Minister of Health and Former Minister of Public Enterprises, Republic of South Africa
- Erin Colleen Houlihan, Programme Officer, Constitution Building Program, International IDEA
- Esteban Hoyos-Ceballos, Associate Professor of Public Law and Academic Director of the LL.M program at Universidad EAFIT School of Law (Medellin, Colombia), member of a team of petitioners in the Constitutional Court case that established the right to tuition-free education at all public primary schools in Colombia
- George Kegoro, Executive Director, Kenya Human Rights Commission
- Jayna Kothari, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Centre for Law and Policy Research and Senior Advocate practicing in the Supreme Court of India
- David S. Law, Chancellor’s Professor, University of California, Irvine
- Marna Lourens, Project Manager and Researcher for the Law Trust Chair in Social Justice, Stellenbosch University
- Thuli Madonsela, Law Faculty Trust Chair for Social Justice and Law Professor, University of Stellenbosch
- Grace Maingi, Executive Director, Uraia Trust
- Charlene May, Legal Practitioner, Women’s Legal Centre in Cape Town and Member, Advisory Committee for the Women’s Working Group, International Network for Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net)
- Faiza Mohamed, Director, Africa Office, Equality Now
- Dikgang Moseneke, Former Deputy Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, Former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa
- Deprose Muchena, Director, Southern Africa, Amnesty International
- Grace Mumbi Ngugi, Judge of the High Court of Kenya
- Erica Murphy, Project Officer, Right to Education Initiative and Member, Monitoring Working Group, ESCR-Net
- Mshai Mwangola, Chair, Board of Trustees, Uraia Trust, Member of the Board, The Elephant
- Salima Namusobya, Executive Director, Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER)
- Duncan Okello, Former Chief of Staff in the Office of the Chief Justice, Republic of Kenya (2012–2018); Former Executive Director, National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ)
- Aisling Reidy, Senior Legal Advisor, Human Rights Watch
- Umunyana Rugege, Executive Director, Section27
- Abubakar Said, Civic Education Manager, Uraia Trust
- Mohan Sashankar, Vice-President, Public Defender Society of Nepal, Executive Member, Nepal Bar Association, successful petitioner to the Supreme Court of Nepal to change a discriminatory practice in access to education for Dalit students
- Sasha Stevenson, Head of Health, Section27, leading the organisation’s work on ensuring realisation of the right of access to health care services in South Africa.
- Faranaaz Veriava, Head of the Education Rights Programme, Section27 and Lecturer in Education Law, University of Pretoria
- Nerima Wako, Executive Director, Siasa Place
- Zakeria Yacoob, Former Justice, Constitutional Court of South Africa
- Anele Yawa, General Secretary, Treatment Action Campaign