At WORLD, we believe in globally comparative data as a tool to support equal rights around the world. We build our data and partner with people and organizations around the world because we believe that citizens, government, non-profit organizations, intergovernmental organizations, policymakers, and advocates can advance equality when we work together to make evidence-based decisions.
In recent years, WORLD has:
- Created over 2,000 law and policy indicators in dozens of areas that matter to health and well-being globally
- Welcomed over 420,000 users from 230 countries and territories to our website:
- Welcomed over 3,100 downloads of our data by users in 127 countries and territories:
- Initiated and maintained direct partnerships with people and organizations in more than 110 countries and all continents:
- Presented global data at more than 100 global conferences and meetings, including at leading academic meetings, at intergovernmental meetings and meetings bridging public and private sectors, at UN human rights committees, at UN Conferences of State Parties, at regional meetings led by policymakers, and many others.
- Co-hosted or hosted workshops and convenings on five continents with civil society, policymakers, citizens, advocates, litigators, jurists, academics, practitioners, philanthropists, citizens, students, and others from more than 70 countries.
- Trained more than 300 graduate student researchers and fellows in a variety of advanced training programs to equip the next generation of leaders with the expertise, skills, and motivation to have global impact.
- Received media coverage in thousands of articles in leading print and online press outlets, TV, digital and radio from all around the world.
Learn more about why Data Matters in this video by our founding director, Dr. Jody Heymann.