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Infant caregiving
Infant caregiving
Infant caregiving
Infant caregiving
Infant caregiving
Infant caregiving
Is paid leave available to mothers of infants, including maternity and parental?
Is paid leave available to fathers of infants, including paternity and parental?
How much paid leave is reserved for mothers of infants?
How much paid leave is reserved for fathers of infants?
How much shared parental leave is available?
Is paid leave available for both parents of infants?
What is the lowest wage replacement rate of paid leave reserved for mothers with one year of tenure?
What is the lowest wage replacement rate of paid leave reserved for fathers with one year of tenure?
What is the lowest wage replacement rate of shared paid parental leave for parents with one year of tenure?
Are at least 12 weeks of paid leave available for both parents of infants?
Is paid leave structured to encourage working fathers to share infant caregiving responsibilities?
Is job protection guaranteed throughout paid leave reserved for mothers?
Is job protection guaranteed throughout paid leave reserved for fathers?
Is job protection guaranteed throughout shared paid parental leave?
Are mothers of infants guaranteed breastfeeding breaks at work?
Are working mothers guaranteed paid options to facilitate exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months?
Do adoptive families have access to as much paid parental leave as birth families?
Is there gender equality in the duration of paid leave for adoption?
Do countries guarantee self-employed workers access to paid maternal leave?
Do countries guarantee self-employed workers access to paid paternal leave?
Do countries guarantee agricultural workers access to paid maternal leave?
Do countries guarantee agricultural workers access to paid paternal leave?
Do countries guarantee part-time workers access to paid maternal leave?
Do countries guarantee part-time workers access to paid paternal leave?
Do countries guarantee domestic workers access to paid maternal leave?
Do countries guarantee domestic workers access to paid paternal leave?
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