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Equal rights at work in constitutions
Equal rights at work in constitutions
Equal rights at work in constitutions
Equal rights at work in constitutions
Equal rights at work in constitutions
Equal rights at work in constitutions
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee at least one protection from discrimination at work?
Does the constitution explicitly prohibit discrimination at work?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee equal pay for equal work?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee the right to work for adults with disabilities?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee adults with disabilities reasonable accommodation at work?
Does the constitution explicitly prohibit discrimination in hiring?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee at least one aspect of decent work?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee the right to safe working conditions?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee the right to adequate remuneration?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee the right to limited working hours?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee the right to rest?
Does the constitution explicitly guarantee the right to paid leave?
Does the constitution explicitly prohibit discrimination in promotions?
Does the constitution explicitly prohibit discrimination in working conditions?
Does the constitution explicitly prohibit discrimination in terminations?
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